Grit & Grace: Kristine Ellis

"I am proud to be a firefighter, not a woman firefighter, but a firefighter. As individuals, we all have our strengths and challenges, and I am blessed to have always been treated as an equal in the Fire Department. But I recognize that being a woman in this field should be celebrated, and it’s great for our children to see a woman in any role she has selected for herself.

Accomplishing things, even simple things, is a great satisfaction to me. I am not someone who does “idle” well. My mom raised my sister and I single-handedly....always working hard at everything she did and still does. She is one to always step up and lend a hand when there is a need. I find my worth by being the best mom I can be. There is nothing that gives me greater joy than my son and family. Just before my son was born, I showed up for drill night and was totally and completely surprised by a baby shower! I was touched beyond words by their kindness and thoughtfulness. This was out of their wheelhouse and they hit it out of the park. Having my son “grow up” at the fire station with so many great friends and role models is pretty special.

I strive to be a good role model and to help others; I define my value in the things I do and what I can contribute. The things I value are happiness, kindness, and compassion. My passion in life is helping people and making things better."

 Kristine Ellis is a call firefighter in Hamilton, Massachusetts.